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Tomi Vinzce

Tokaji, Hungary
Tomi works on two hectars now mostly by himself. He heritaged a small vineyard from his grandfather, when he started university. It was the base point with 1000 vines. Now there are around 6000 in two vineyards.
All of the fermentations are spontaneous and only little amounts of sulfur are added. He presses gently in an old, traditional manual machine, which he repainted and renewed the wooden parts. The wine is made in a garage in Sárospatak on 20 square meters and some small place in front. From each wine, there are maximum around 1500 bottles, sometimes under 1000 bottles.
The two vineyards are Hosszúhegy and Szemince, originally Saint Vincze, like Tomi's name. The history of this vineyard dates back to 1238, when monks from a dominican monastery started to grow grapes there. The first mention of this vineyard is 1238, there was a domincian klaster on the top of the hill, they were growing grapes there at that time already. The Hosszúhegy is the hill where his grandfather planted 1000 vines in the 80's. Here he learnt pruning, silence and respect for the plants. Tomi makes vineyard selected orange wines (with 1-2 months skin-contact), pét-nats from Furmint and Hárslevelű and reds from the old Hungarian varieties Tihanyi Kék and Purcsin.
From December 2021 he is organically certified.

Harsmint Pét-Nat 2023


Lunatic Orange Wine 2022


Diversity 2022


Darkred 2021


Diversity Rozé 2022
